Personal Advice
We work closely with designers providing superior products and support in the computing tasks and system sizing.
Installation and Replacement
Our technicians are the most qualified, also we keep them constantly trained with refresher courses scheduled at companies and qualifying companies.
Care and Maintenance
Maintenance, repair, operation and management of air conditioning systems, boilers and condizionatori.Servizi fully automated remote management.
Our Service
Where Is
Advanced technology, reliability and commitment. This is the climate in which our company grows
Elter Impianti born from the union of the ten-year experience of its founders. And 'now a reality and a reference point in the installation, management and maintenance of thermal and plumbing, heating, air conditioning and renewable energy.
Care and Maintenance
The Elter Authorized Technical Assistance ensures ready interventions
Installation and Replacement
Good maintenance has its advantages.
Electric and water-heating systems
We protect our domestic hearth.
High quality services offered to companies and individuals
From the Blog
Elter Impianti al Vs. ServizioWritten by Staff
La ns. società trae origine dalla Elter, ditta individuale, nata negli anni '80, a Genova, nel quartiere di S. Fruttuoso, svolgendo principalmente un servizio di manutenzione ed assistenza tecnica su bruciatori, nonchè la realizzazione di impianti elettrici.
Realizzazione e manutenzioneWritten by Staff
Le attività di realizzazione e manutenzione diventano complementari, offrendo un servizio completo e sinergico.
Consulenza grandi impiantiWritten by Staff
L’esperienza maturata e la doppia conoscenza dell’istallazione e della manutenzione ci permettono di proporre soluzioni ottimali per gli specifici bisogni del Cliente.